My kids have since gotten older and do less floor play, and more hanging out together playing board games and video games. It was filled with Magnatile towers (my very favorite kids toy) and marble runs and other works in progress all the time. This room as a play room needed floor space that was open for play on the ground. Luckily I saved the wood from those media shelves, because they made their way into a couch for that same space! I love a good repurposed project. This entailed ripping out existing built in media shelving and making my own built ins that could house board games and bins of kids toys. When we bought this house, the first thing we did was convert this media room off to the living room into a playroom. I built this DIY gaming couch 100% from scrap wood in my garage, and it was easy! Build a DIY Gaming Couch
One of the components I wanted to figure out most in this room was seating. Week 7 of the fall one room challenge means the finishing touches! There is one week left until the final reveal of this game room makeover.